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Paolita Jackman-Darker
Jul 20, 20225 min read
That time of the cyclone - I mean Cycle!
Getting your period back after having a baby can be like winning the hormonal lottery – and not the good kind. It’s like seeing a rainbow...
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Apr 21, 20228 min read
Breastmilk - Oversupply & engorgement management guide
When milk changes from the small concentrated liquid gold we call colostrum, to the thinner and more common looking milk, it can...
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Mar 28, 20228 min read
Low milk supply
The good news is that there are quite a few things that you can try to increase your milk supply, and there’s a lot of success with the...
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Mar 7, 20224 min read
The dummy guide – How to not let a pacifier turn you into a dummy.
Let’s start with the million-dollar question: Should I use a dummy? The truth is that it’s not a simple yes or no answer. It has multiple...
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Feb 25, 20224 min read
Hospitalisation for part of your pregnancy – change of plans
Sometimes complications can arise during your pregnancy that result in you being hospitalised. Depending on the circumstances and reasons...
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Feb 2, 20226 min read
Postpartum recovery and care after a vaginal birth – Your step-by-step midwife guide
Congratulations! Now, the real fun begins. 😊 No matter the type of vaginal birth that you experienced, the recovery and care of your...
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Feb 1, 20228 min read
Postpartum recovery and care after a caesarean section – Your step-by-step midwife guide
Congratulations! Now, the real fun begins. 😊 So, your baby came out the sunroof. Caesareans have come a long way, and in most cases the...
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Jan 4, 202211 min read
The truth about breastfeeding and real-life stories
As a mother you’re constantly bombarded with advice on what’s best for your child. That in itself, is extremely hard to bear at times....
Paolita Jackman-Darker
Jan 2, 20226 min read
Advice for all women after giving birth
Hormones That little word can give a cascade of feelings. You’ve survived having your first ever period, most likely tried multiple...
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